
时间:2024-02-25 21:58:46



  As is shown above, in the middle of the picture stands a young man. Recently, this picture has triggered a heated discussion on Sina Weibo, the most influential social media in China. Simple as the picture is, the symbolic meaning behind it is as deep as ocean.


  The cartoon above does illustrate the topic of the importance of confidence, especially in this ever rapid changing modern society.

  1. Specifically, it is not only necessary, but also beneficial. Not surprisingly, research by Nita Rollins, an associate professor of sociology at Columbia University suggests that confidence is more than the key to a balanced life but often lets us fit into society and leads to prosperity as well. Indeed, in no country other than China, it has been said that, is confidence more significant. Because, it is confidence that is closely linked with each citizen. It will give us an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of daily life. Those who have confidence, for example, are more likely to relieve not only pressure, but also anxiety and such problems as depression and solitude, to broaden their mind, to enrich their experience, to enhance their vigor then to create an enthusiastic environment for our society, compared with those who are not. Even, they can not only accumulate wealth, but will also establish their career, fit into society and attain social status. The benefits of paying attention to it are not restricted to improving one’s personal success, but are also evident among promoting social stability, harmony and fortune, be it now or in the future. Undeniably, were there no confidence, never would we taste the real happiness of the world.

  2. Specifically, it is not only harmful, but also damaging. Not surprisingly, research by Nita Rollins, an associate professor of sociology at Columbia University suggests that no confidence is more than the key to a corrupt life but often lets us complain about society and leads to poverty as well. Indeed, in no country other than China, it has been said that, is no confidence more poisonous. Because it is no confidence that is closely linked with each citizen. It will give us a disadvantage in terms of coping with the challenges of daily life. Those who have no confidence, for example, are more likely to aggravate not only pressure, but also anxiety and such problems as depression and solitude, to restrain their mind, to impoverish their experience, to weaken their vigor then to create an unenthusiastic environment for our society, compared with those who are not. Even, they can not only squander wealth, but will also abandon their career, take revenge on society and attain lower social status. The consequences of ignorance of it are not restricted to hampering one’s personal success, but are also evident among aggravating social instability, inharmonic and misfortune, be it now or in the future. Undeniably, were there no confidence, never would we taste the real happiness of the word.

  Yet the awareness of confidence has been far from being attached due attention and the reality on the ground in China suggests that change is badly needed.

  1. All departments concerned should be active in designing some public service advertisements to educate the young that the true meaning of life lies in the process rather than the outcome and that confidence should be an everyday practice, rather than a goal waiting to be achieved.

  2. First of all, ethical education, punishment systems and public infrastructure should be upgrade. Besides, all departments concerned should be active in designing some public service advertisements to help the young to mold positive views, world views and philosophy of life, and to educate the public to act as a responsible member of the society, each of us should bear social responsibility. With an insightful public and a proper attitude, it will only be a matter of time before the problem becomes a matter of the past.


  Numerous cases exist to illustrate this point. Take us youngsters born in the 1990s for example, without confidence, how can we go in for this competitive test? Without confidence, how can we pursue a master PHD degree? Without confidence, how can we contribute all our energy and enthusiasm to this exam?


  1、 生活

  Something will make our life more enjoyable, that is to say, something can add color to the dull routine of everyday life. Something可以使我们的生活更加有乐趣,也就是说,Something为我们每天枯燥的生活增添了一些色彩。

  2、 健康

  Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that some certain sports contribute directly to our health by giving us some physical exercises. 现在越来越多的人开始相信体育锻炼能有助于身体健康。

  3、 环保

  Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet. 环境学家指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导致像全球变暖这样严重的问题,而且还将威胁到人类在这个星球的生存。

  4、 成功

  While achieving success is easier said than done, persistence does in fact pay off. One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence, another is desire, and still another is determination.


  5、 社会

  China needs to reexamine the results of economic and social modernization in order to ascertain the benefits and indeed(表示加强含义) the detrimental aspects from a new perspective. Otherwise, various perceived accomplishments might in fact prove to be far from beneficial.


  6、 科技

  In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.



  1. Sth gradually developed a style which featured …


  2. Sth can be classified into several categories:…


  3. Industrious Chinese laboring people


  4. China has made great headway in narrowing the gap among different social classes.


  5. The core of “harmonious society” is “human-centered”, which means the improvement of people’s livelihood.


  6. We not only aspire to build China into a prosperous, strong and modern socialist country, but also into a democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious one. 我们不只是希望把中国建设为现代,繁荣和富强的社会主义国家,而且使中国成为文化先进的,民主的和和谐的国家。

  7. During the long course of history, the Chinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great and dynamic culture



  8. Chinese nation has made an indelible contribution to the progress of human civilization.


  9. Sth has become one of the most popular …

  …成为了最受欢迎的…之一 Sth has been regarded as one of …


  10. We can see…, enjoy…and learn of the legend and anecdotes about…


  11. Sth is a combination of …, dating back to…


  12. There are some branches of Sth, of which A is one of the most famous.

  Sth 有好些分支,其中A 是最有名的。

  13. Sth,with a history of… years and a number of …branches/ styles , is an

  important part of Chinese traditional culture.

  … 已有…年的历史,有好多分支/风格,是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。

  14. High speed railroad is introduced in 2004. With the generous funding from the government, it is rapidly expanding.

  2004 年,高铁被引入;政府大力支持,发展很快。

  15. Sth is familiar to everyone, about which however people’s opinions differ.


  16. Honor the aged of other family as we honor our own; Care for the children of

  other family as we care for our own.


  17. Respecting the aged and loving the young,a the traditional Chinese virtue, has

  been regarded as the social responsibility and behavior norm for thousands years.

  千百年来,尊老爱幼这一中华民族的传统美德,被当作是社会责任和行为规范。 Filial Piety, a Chinese traditional virtue, is central to Confucian role ethics.


  18. Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without learning ends in danger.


  19. Chinese characters evolve from pictures and signs. The style of the calligraphers

  symbolize their age.


  20. China is the birthplace of ...


